Turnagain Arm Mycological Society
About Us
The Turnagain Arm Mycological Society is an all volunteer organization that was formed to:
Contribute to the Mycoflora of North America Project, which aims to document all mushroom forming species in North America
Help the public with the age old question "Is this mushroom edible?" and other mushroom identification questions.
Maintain a Mycota of Alaska website, with resources including a species index containing high quality photos and sequences of Alaskan fungi: alaskamycoflora.org
Organize the Girdwood Fungus Fair
Sponsor community events such as forays and talks throughout the mushroom season.
Provide mushroom identification for poisoning cases
Society Annual Schedule
Our ideal schedule...at a minimum we pull off the fair!
No meetings or activities
Planning for next season (22/23, 23/24, etc.)
November - May
Notify members of upcoming TAMS schedule for the winter/spring
Monthly meeting/talks/events
Scheduled for the third Wednesday of Month
Mostly held in the Girdwood Community Room with an occasional meeting/event in Anchorage
June - August
Fungus Fair Planning
Girdwood Forest Fair Parade
Join Us
Turnagain Arm Mycological Society : Membership Application
Members are entitled to:
Participation in all meetings and teaching sessions and access to all teaching materials and handouts.
Meetings are generally scheduled for the third Wednesday, November - May.
Participation in TAMS sponsored forays in the spring and fall months (excluding Fungus Fair)
Use of all TAMS library resources, microscopes, and dehydrators for scientific specimens
The cost for membership is $25.00 annually for adults; kids 12 years old and under are free.
TAMS exclusive t-shirt, tote, or hat with new membership
The cost for membership renewal is $10.00. (No TAMS merchandise with a renewal.)
If you would like to become a member (or renew), please complete this application and release form
and and follow the instructions for submitting with your payment.
Contact Us
The Turnagain Arm Mycological Society is run by a small but dedicated group of volunteers.
You can contact us by email and we will get back to you after we come back in from the forest...